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Giới Thiệu

First of all, agent would like to greet all customers who have visited and are interested in the fishing products we provide in the market of health, success and vitality for life. Everyone must have been participating in a certain sport, right?

First of all, agent would like to greet all customers who have visited and are interested in the fishing products we provide in the market of health, success and vitality for life. Everyone must have been participating in a certain sport, no matter what sport it is, it also helps us people have a healthy health, an interesting life and a healthy lifestyle. mental comfort. Fishing is said to be a sport of wits, an elegant hobby that challenges anyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion… And anywhere in the world .

As a new brand established in the first year of 2015, entered the fishing market in Vietnam, with the desire to provide high quality and lowest price products to consumers. Currently, our agent is dealing in fishing tackle of many different manufacturers such as: Shimano, Daiwa, Gama, Tica, FuJi, Okuma, Corea…


With the motto of operation towards product quality and good customer care, we hope to bring every customer using our service a satisfaction and have faith in us. Let us bring people top quality products and services.